The Weather Chaser Subscriptions

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Pricing - Monthly $0 $0 $8/mo $49/mo
Pricing - Annual $0 $0 $80/yr $490/yr
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Radar Imagery (Web SD & HD) Last 2 hours Last 8 hours Last 2 days All
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Radar Intensity Histogram (SD)
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Instantly purchase additional data ^ ^
* Note : Personal subscriptions are not to be used for any business or governmental purposes.
If you are using this site for work purposes, you must use a Pro subscription.
^ On demand radar data is currently only available with a pro subscription.
Subscription prices are per-user in Australian Dollars (AUD), and inclusive of GST.
Please Contact Us with any queries.

On Demand Products

Currently we provide two types of on demand products. A zip file containing data relating to a radar sequence and a web page with data download for observations from a particular location and time
Note : There is an additional $40 access fee for each purchase, however this is waived if you are a Pro subscriber. Currently On Demand Radar data is only available to Pro subscribers.


Prices are for a single radar/station location/range. Discounts are available for high volumes for longer term sets of data
You can download a sample export from the Sydney 256km radar in March 2022 here to see exactly what is included. Note that timestamps on the individual frames are in UTC.
Radar ProductsUp to 1 dayEach additional day
Data Export - SD (base product)$50$25
Upgrade to HD (coming soon)+$30+$15
The minimum cost is for a single day SD Radar datapack for $50. Otherwise for example a 3 day HD radar data pack would cost $50 + $30 + ($25 + $15) x 2 = $160


Observation products consist of access to a shareable web page with a graph of the data along with a link to download data as CSV for further analysis
Observation ProductsUp to 1 dayEach additional day
Rain gauge$20$10
River heights$20$10
30 minute AWS$20$10
10 minute AWS$20$10
1 minute AWS$100$50
For example a week of 15 minute river height observations would cost $10 + $5 x 6 = $40
Observations from all available time consist of a web page based graph/s and includes the option to download the raw observation data.
Rain and river observations include a single date/time and measurement value
AWS observations include temperature, dew point, rain since 9am, interval rainfall, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, visibility and cloud oktas where available. Not all locations report all values all the time.

Functionality FAQ's

How much data is 'All available'?
Currently we have data available online as outlined below. This is mostly complete from the date specified forward, though due to outages, maintenence, and opening/closing of stations, there is not 100% availability. We are working to extend availability for these products further back in time. If you require older data, please get in touch.
  • BoM 10 minute AWS observations since 11/07/2020
  • BoM 1 minute AWS observations since 11/07/2020
  • Rain gauge and river height observations since 6/9/2020
  • HD radar since 1/1/2020
  • SD (BoM) radar since 1/1/2010

Pricing and Billing FAQ's

Is there a minimum subscription period?
No. We want to make it very flexible for you. Your subscription to The Weather Chaser is automatically billed monthly or annually, but you can cancel at any time. If you cancel you will retain access until the end of your current billing period.
Do you offer any trials for your services?
Instead of providing a trial, we provide extensive free access and samples that allows you to fully evaluate the suitability of our services at any time
Do you offer any multi-user discounts?
We provide discounts for organisations that wish to register multiple users on the one account. Please Contact Us for a quote
What are my payment options?
Payments can be made with most credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Amex). We can accept direct bank transfer payments via manual invoicing (see below)
Can you invoice our accounts department for a subscription?
We can perform manual invoicing for multiple annual Pro subscriptions. In addition to accepting payment by most credit cards, we can also accept direct transfer payment via this method. We do not accept payment via Cheque. Please Contact Us to find out more.
Can I upgrade/downgrade my subscription from Monthly to Annual or from Personal to Pro?
You can upgrade by going to the Pricing page or your Accounts Page via the drop down menu on the left of the screen. If upgrading you will be charged the difference between the two plans on a prorata basis. If you are downgrading you will need to finish the month you are on and then the next month will be charged at the new rate.
I have another question, can you help me?
Please Contact Us, we will be happy to help.

Register to get these additional features:
  • Last 8 hours of data on the live weather map (satellite and radar)
  • Last 8 hours of SD and HD radar imagery
  • Last 3 days of AWS, rain gauge and river height observations
  • Automatic update of live radar and observation data
  • Save your options between use
  • You can also then subscribe to access even more
The Weather Chaser provides access to the highest quality weather data available for Australia. By registering you can continue to access it, and help us ensure we can continue to provide free access to the latest high quality data.
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We endeavour to provide easy access to historical weather data, but as you can imagine, we have to manage an imense amount of data. As a regular user of our historical data we request you upgrade to a paid subscription.

These start at only $4 per month and allow us to continue to provide this service to yourself, and the wider community :

If you have any questions, including other access options, please don't hesitate to contact us