11:30pm 07/02/2025 to 11:30pm 08/02/2025
You can find out more about Design Rainfall and IFD here.
Observations for this analysis :
Maximum observed rainfall by duration, estimated return period and AEP
1.6 mm
7:10pm 08/02/2025
7:20pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
1.6 mm
7:00pm 08/02/2025
7:20pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
1.6 mm
6:50pm 08/02/2025
7:20pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
7:00pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
6:30pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
6:00pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
5:00pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
3:30pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
2:00pm 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
11:00am 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
8:00am 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
2:00am 08/02/2025
8:00pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
2.0 mm
11:30pm 07/02/2025
11:30pm 08/02/2025
1 in 1 years
100.0 %
Note: A '1 in 1.0 years' estimate means that it is almost certain to occur at least once in a year, and could occur much more than once per year on average. For smaller values like this the Annual Recurrance Interval (ARI) may be of more relevance, but it is complex to calculate for common events.
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