Mount Isa Radar - Rain Rate

Radar background image Radar topography image Radar range image Radar locations image Radar roads image
Map Marker
Intensity Filter
Reflectivity Intensity
Light Moderate Heavy
Intensity Timeseries
Marker Intensity Timeseries
Intensity Histogram
Custom Timeframe
We can provide custom gauge corrected rainfall estimations for locations and times covered by radar. Find out more about our rainfall estimation services.

Help / More Information

  • Nearby radars are shown with the icon. Click on it to see the currently shown timeframe from that radar.
  • When viewing the latest images, you can click on the button to automatically have the most recent images loaded as they become available (Free registration required).
  • If you are on a mobile device with GPS capability, you can click on the icon to show your latest position on the radar. This will update as you move. We do not transmit to nor store this information on our servers, it is only used within your browser.
  • Data is currently available as far back as March 2005 for this imagery, however we do have older data available upon request.
  • You can click and drag in the 'Intensity Series' to easily select a particular time.
  • Clicking on the radar image starts and stops the animation.
  • With a desktop browser, when hovering over the radar image, you can use the mousewheel to zoom and then pan by clicking and dragging.
  • A maximum of 500 frames are shown for a given period.
  • A maximum period can be selected of 14 days.
  • Intensity values are intended to be indicative of activity only.
  • Not all images for all locations are available. This may be due to radar problems, or problems with data transfer.
  • Images are typically updated every 5 minutes, though some radars, and older data may be at 6 and 10 minute intervals.
  • You can place a marker at an arbitrary point to get the rain intensity there by clicking on the icon.
  • If you register for a free account then settings you have chosen will be remembered between page loads.
  • Please contact us with any queries, comments, or suggestions!
  • Radar Images are © Australian Bureau of Meteorology.
Register to get these additional features:
  • Last 8 hours of data on the live weather map (satellite and radar)
  • Last 8 hours of SD and HD radar imagery
  • Last 3 days of AWS, rain gauge and river height observations
  • Automatic update of live radar and observation data
  • Save your options between use
  • You can also then subscribe to access even more
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